
Classic Waves

Check out the Little Black Book of Styling Men's Edition: Classic Waves look achievable with Style Link products.
  • Style Link Matte Definer Beach Clay is most effective when applied to dry hair. Blow-dry the hair in the direction or style you wish to define (Up, sideways, forward)
  • Apply to hands - distribute through fingers until you cannot see the product or equally distributed. Work through the hair in all directions until product is distributed.
  • Define the style. You will be able to manipulate the hair and define the style easily because all the hair is prepared with product.
  1. BLOW-DRY -- after using Total Results Moisture Me Rich Shampoo and Conditioner
  2. APPLY -- Emulsify Matte Definer Beach Clay in palms.

  3. RAKE & HAND COMB -- Separate to add texture and definition.