7 Cute Hot Summer Weather Hairstyle Ideas

It’s too hot to walk into the next room let alone spend who knows how long in your steamy bathroom styling your hair. So put your polished blowouts and mermaid curls on hold for a few more weeks. Luckily, summer hairstyles are all about easy and effortless looks —the more casual, the better. Here are seven, hot weather-friendly summer hairstyles, curated by the pros at Matrix, to get you through the heat.
Give an ordinary ponytail an extra element of style with this bubble ponytail shape.
Get the look: Gather your hair in a high ponytail and secure with an elastic. Mist the ponytail with a flexible hair styling spray to control flyaway hairs. Place fine elastics at equal intervals along the length of the tail. The last one should be 2-3 inches from the bottom. Then gently expand the hair between each of the elastics to form rounded shapes.

Summer hairstyles are simple and effortless. The easiest way to create these hairstyles is to simply coax more movement into your natural hair texture.
Get the look: It’s important for a natural wave hairstyle to be shiny and healthy looking, so start by shampooing and conditioning your hair with moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Allow your hair to air dry until it’s about 80 percent dry. Divide your hair in sections, and work in a heatless hair styling crème designed for waved hair textures. Using a t-shirt or a microfiber towel, scrunch your hair from the bottom up. Repeat every five to 10 minutes until your hair is completely dry.

The “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” version of the French twist is polished and perfect. For a hot weather version, keep it looser and more casual for the perfect summer updo.
Get the look: Air dry your hair to create a full, natural hair texture. Mist dry hair with a texturizing dry shampoo. Bring all your hair to one side, just off center. Insert a bobby pin vertically, up from the bottom. Working from the bottom up, insert a row of bobby pins vertically, crisscrossing them to secure the hair. Push the last one in downward. Gather your hair in one hand and twist tightly, pulling up. Insert bobby pins horizontally into the base of the twist, intersecting with the vertical pins to hold the style. Let the ends fall freely, and also let some pieces fall around your face. Mist with hairspray.

Beach waves don’t get much easier. Let a few braids do all the work while you lounge in the sun or head to bed.
Get the look: Apply a curl-enhancing hair cream to clean, damp hair. Divide your hair into three or four sections (three if you have fine hair, four if you have thick hair. Braid each section, roll the ends of each braid up and secure with a small plastic clip. If you’re going to bed, consider gathering the braids loosely on top of your head. Once your hair is dry, gently release the braids, shake and rake through the lengths with your fingertips.

It’s the hottest summer hair trend on the festival hair circuit. Space buns are also cool and easy to do. And once you release them, your hair will tumble into beautiful beach waves!
Get the look: Mist dry hair with a texturizing hairspray. Create a part that is just slightly off-center. Gather each side into a high ponytail. Twist each ponytail until it collapses into a bun. Secure the buns with pins. Gently pull the buns apart to expand the shape. Mist with more hairspray.

This summer hairstyle is ideal for short hair or medium-length hair. The glossy hair texture looks cool and refreshing and lifts your hair up and off your face. (Hello cheekbones!)
Get the look: Apply a flexible styling gel to damp hair. Comb your hair back and blow dry, lifting the sections around your face with a comb. Once hair is dry, apply strong hold hairspray to lock it in place, maintain the wet hair look and prevent frizz.

In summer time, you can never go wrong with a braided hairstyle. A braid is the best way to contain and control unruly, frizzy hair textures. A side braid is much more chic than a center braid—it frames your face, it’s feminine and it creates interesting asymmetry.
Get the look: Apply a sea salt-infused spray to maximize hair texture and movement. Gently gather all your hair on one side, just beneath your ear. Create a loose, three-strand braid or fishtail braid, and secure the braid at the bottom with an elastic. As you braid, keep pulling open the sides to expand the shape. After you’re finished, be sure to let a few loose strands frame your face.